Accessibility notice

Digital accessibility

An accessible website is one that allows people with disabilities to access its content and functions without difficulty.

For example, an accessible site allows :

  • Navigate with a voice synthesiser and/or a Braille display (used in particular by blind and partially-sighted people).
  • Customise the display of the site according to your needs (enlarge or reduce font size, change colours, etc.).
  • Navigate without using the mouse (with the keyboard only, via a touch screen, by voice or any other adapted device).

To do this, the site must comply with the standards in force when it is created and updated.

Accessibility declaration

L'Oréal undertakes to make its websites (internet, intranet and extranet), software packages, mobile applications and digital street furniture accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

This declaration of accessibility applies to the website.


Compliance status

The La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre website is partially compliant with the Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité (RGAA 4.1). Non-compliances are listed below.

Test results

The compliance audit carried out in April 2022 by Atalan on the production environment reveals that 59% of the RGAA 4.1 criteria are met.

Content not accessible

Details of non-conformities

  • Criteria 1.1
    Is there a text alternative for each image providing information?
  • Criteria 1.2
    Is each decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
  • Criteria 1.3
    For each information-carrying image with a textual alternative, is this alternative relevant (excluding special cases)?
  • Criterion 1.6
    Where necessary, is there a detailed description of each image providing information?
  • Criteria 1.9
    If necessary, is each image caption correctly linked to the corresponding image?
  • Criteria 2.2
    For each online frame with a frame title, is the frame title relevant?
  • Criteria 3.2
    On each web page, is the contrast between the colour of the text and the colour of its background sufficiently high (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 3.3
    On each web page, is there sufficient contrast between the colours used in the interface components or information-carrying graphic elements (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 4.5
    Does each pre-recorded time-based medium have a synchronised audio description, where necessary (excluding special cases)?
  • Criterion 6.1
    Is every link explicit (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 7.1
    Is each script, where appropriate, compatible with assistive technologies?
  • Checkpoint 7.3
    Can each script be controlled using the keyboard and any pointing device (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 8.2
    For each web page, is the source code generated valid for the type of document specified?
  • Criteria 8.6
    For each web page with a page title, is the title relevant?
  • Criteria 8.7
    For each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 8.9
    In each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
  • Criteria 9.1
    Is the information on each Web page structured by the appropriate use of headings?
  • Criteria 9.2
    Is the structure of each web page consistent (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 9.3
    Is every list on every web page correctly structured?
  • Criteria 9.4
    Is every quotation correctly indicated on every web page?
  • Criteria 10.1
    Are style sheets used to control the presentation of information on the website?
  • Criteria 10.5
    In each web page, are the CSS declarations for element background and font colours used correctly?
  • Criteria 10.7
    In each Web page, is the focus visible for each element that receives focus?
  • Criteria 10.12
    In each web page, can the text spacing properties be redefined by the user without loss of content or functionality (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 10.13
    In each web page, can the user control the additional content that appears when a component of the interface is focused or hovered over (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 11.2
    Is each label associated with a form field relevant (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 11.10
    In each form, is the input control used appropriately (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 11.11
    In each form, is the input control accompanied, where possible, by suggestions to help correct input errors?
  • Criteria 12.1
    Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 12.7
    Is there a skip link or quick access link to the main content area on each web page (excluding special cases)?
  • Criteria 12.8
    Is the tab order consistent on each web page?
  • Criteria 13.3
    On each web page, is there an accessible version of each office document that can be downloaded (excluding special cases)?


Drawing up this declaration of accessibility

This declaration was drawn up on 21/04/2022. 


Technologies used to create the site 

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • SVG
  • JavaScript
  • ARIA


Test environment
The content rendition checks were carried out on the basis of the combination provided by the RGAA 4.1 reference database, with the following versions:

  • Firefox 98
  • NVDA 2021.3
  • JAWS 2020
  • Android Talkback 12 + Chrome 99


Tools for assessing accessibility

  • Colour Contrast Analyser
  • Firefox development tools
  • Extension Web Developer


Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the site manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

Contact Thermes Saint-Gervais


Appeal procedures

This procedure should be used in the following case.
You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that is preventing you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.

  • Write a message to the Human Rights Defender.
  • Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region.
  • Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not use stamps):
    Défenseur des droits
    Libre réponse 71120
    75342 Paris CEDEX 07